

Knowledge is information whose patterns have been verified as logical. It can be divided into two categories: knowledge of concepts and knowledge of existence. The only things you can verify to exist are yourself and any concepts you are currently aware of. Consequently, knowledge of existence, or knowledge about the things that exist, can never be fully verified and remains speculative.


Belief is the assumption that something consists of logical patterns. Therefore, belief can be considered assumed knowledge. Most of our knowledge is acquired through belief, but it is crucial to adjust our beliefs when they are shown to be illogical.

What It Means "To Exist"

Something exists when it consists of patterns that are part of Existence and can be broken down into points of possibilities.

Important note: Whether something exists in the Soul, as a process in a computer, or as a physical object does not affect its status of existence. An imagined apple in the mind exists just as much as an apple you can bite into, as long as it is conceived.


A concept is a mental representation or an abstract idea [pattern] that encapsulates the essential characteristics and relationships of a category of objects, events, or phenomena, enabling cognitive processes such as categorization, understanding, and communication.