The Justice System

The first concept to overcome in creating a perfect justice system is the notion of punishment. If free will does not exist, as is the case, then nobody is responsible for their actions, and punishment is therefore unjust. Instead, the justice system should focus on two key questions:

  1. Determining Guilt:

    • The process of determining guilt functions similarly to today's system. Accused parties can admit guilt; otherwise, evidence must be presented. Judges should be at least 80% sure when determining guilt.

    • If the event in question was an accident, no actions are required, although the accident should be investigated to prevent future occurrences.

    • If the guilty party did not follow the principles of a perfect society, the next question is asked:

  2. Justifying Behavior with the Golden Rule:

    • Can the golden rule be applied to justify the behavior? This question will be argued in court and ultimately decided by the judges.

    • Depending on the outcome, the guilty party will either be free to continue their life or be subject to reeducation to align with the principles of a perfect society.

    • Individuals who cannot be reeducated, or if the government lacks resources for reeducation, may be removed from society in the most efficient and humane way. If the government is in dire need of resources, convicted individuals may be used as labor, but such practices should be minimized.

Important Positions in the Justice System:

  • Lawyers: Lawyers are assigned to both parties in a conflict and help them navigate the justice system, find relevant facts, and present their case in court. Anyone, be it an individual, corporation, or government entity, can accuse anyone of not following the golden rule, and they will be assigned a lawyer.

  • Judges: There is only one perfect judge, who judges all cases: God. As long as God does not exist, each case is judged by three judges, with at least two needing to agree.

Positions in the justice system are entirely filled by the government, ensuring that the focus remains on fairness, empathy, and the principles of a perfect society.

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